ASDF Individual Membership Benefits

ASDF has numerous numbers of benefits for the signed-up members. This document gives you a wider outline about the same.


International Membership

All the member of ASDF will be given with an International Membership ID which can be easily verified online. Quoting this Membership ID is almost mandatory in all the sequences of the ASDF Activities for claiming to be the preferential member. The pride of carrying MASDF or SASDF or FASDF is preferential when you are into pure research and gives a different insight.

Research Project Grants

ASDF is highly intentional about the Research Growth. As a part of this initiative, ASDF is providing Research Project Sponsorships for the people who intend to perform Research and Development which can result in publications, patents and such. As of now, we have granted 16 projects a total of $ 235,000 in the recent two years. With an institute membership, you can even apply for the Centre of Excellence (CoE).

Travel Grants for Research

ASDF sponsors Researchers who intend to present their Research Papers which are hosted by ASDF either technically or financially. This exclusively reduces the burden of the author ASDF member in their travel expense. Applications for this should be forwarded by the respective ASDF Chapter Heads well in advance and get the approval note before travelling.

Student – Staff Exchange Programmes

ASDF is highly has a scope of bridging the institution/universities with that of internationally viable because of the numerous Memorandum of Understandings and agreements. Various Universities come forward for the Student – Staff Exchange programmes which facilitate the students and faculties to learn and exchange a lot during their courseware beyond the horizons. Based on the University of University, the credit transfers are also moderated by the ASDF in a host country.

Conferences / Symposiums / Workshops

ASDF sponsors various Conferences, International Symposiums and Workshops across the Globe enhancing the development of the Research oriented people. In the last year, ASDF has sponsored 400+ events of that type both financially as well as technically. ASDF Chapters are eligible for submitting event Performa for Conferences, Symposiums and Workshops which are organised globally. Members get discounted rates at every conference hosted by ASDF and even conferences supported by ASDF.

Student Level Projects

ASDF is nourishing Students who are going to be a futuristic integral part of the community by sponsoring their projects which they are about to have in their course completion phase. A minimal amount will be sponsored for carrying out their plan which is genuine in all the terms. ASDF is particular in combating the plagiarism and code hiring from public centres. Annually the ASDF Project Awards and ASDF Software Development Contest are hosted to make the art of imagination in student level or entry level.

PG / Doctoral Course Complete Sponsorship

ASDF with the numerous Memorandum of Agreement executed across various universities, and few provide the entire sponsorship for meritorious students which includes the full courseware fees, accommodation and a stipend for pursuing their Post-Graduation and Ph. D. exclusively for the ASDF Members. The ASDF members will be chosen and given for selection by the Chapter Heads.​

Awards Nomination Eligibility

ASDF annually presents 27 top most awards for the prestigious persons. This award includes for the Best CEO, CFO, COO, Academic Chairman, Professor, Dean, Computer Science Faculty, Industry Researcher, Academic Researcher, Scientific Researcher, HR Administrator, Lifetime Achievements Awards and Student Project and so on. This ASDF membership gives the basic eligibility for ASDF Awards.

Research Journals

ASDF annually releases 13 International Journals with various disciplines including ICT, Mechanical, Management, Electronics and others. All the journals are there with the valid ISSN registered. Started in the year 2010 and have begun with a minimalistic impact factor with the region of 0.06 to 0.87. Reviewed by a panel of experts, have a high touch of quality. For members presently it is free of cost.


ASDF serves as a platform to collaborate between International Institutes and Research Bodies. Conclaves use to happen every year/season where the Country Head Decides. In this, the participation opportunity will be given to the Members. The Academic People can network with International Academic Body or the Organization/Companies to create bonding. By this, we are proud to say that many numbers of Students have been recruited for the Global Top Companies for research-oriented positions.

Annual Relationship Conclave / FDP / SDP

ASDF organises an annual relationship conclave at every country where the Organization, Researchers, Scientists, Academicians and Students will get in-line with each other’s style. This conclave will bring into more innovations and network among the society. This enables the people for the creating lots of new research activities, job opportunities and sub-divisional developments. Additionally, the skill level certification programs are also hosted as a part of this conclave.

ISBN Sponsorship for Authors​

ASDF sponsors the exclusive ISBN for the authors or the fellow members where there is a pool of knowledge and encourages ASDF members to write Text Books which can be used for reference materials. And this comes without any financial commitment. The constraint here is within three months of issuing the ISBN, two copies of the book should reach ASDF India office for processing the ISBN, Berlin.

DCRC Registration

If you have authored any of the paper(s) in ASDF hosted or supported the conference, while filing the Copyrights online, there is a strict mechanism of evaluation of the same. Their Credit or Debit Card will verify non-members. ASDF Members will be given with an exempt for the same.

Conferences / Symposiums / Workshops Registration Sponsorship

All the ASDF members with a valid membership ID are eligible for the Sponsorship of the Registration fee of 20% globally in all the conferences, symposiums and workshops supported by ASDF.